Dionis Escorsa
The Fountain of Youth
Some time ago I proposed to my father, who had recently recovered from a delicate surgery of his heart, to take part in a portrait of his family next to my sister and her son. The idea consisted in filming my sister accompanying our father to bathe in a beautiful spring and to later manipulate the sequence so that in his place, the child would emerge from the water, without the woman being surprised by it. During the shooting my father performed his role perfectly well but my nephew suffered a violent attack of panic and resisted to submerge in the water. The repetition of the scene on another date was useless, his panic persisted. In the end I had to accept that the fear for the water "of youth" that the child shows is the true theme of the piece. Now the film describes the nightmare of a child, in which his mother forces him to enter a fountain into which before that he had seen his grandfather disappear. Hace poco le propuse a mi padre, recién recuperado de una delicada operación de corazón, hacer un retrato generacional de su familia en el que también participasen mi hermana y su hijo. La idea consistía en filmar a mi hermana sumergiendo a nuestro padre en un lago y trucar la secuencia para que en su lugar emergiera el niño, sin que la mujer se sorprendiera por ello. Durante el rodaje, mi padre realizó perfectamente su papel, pero el niño sufrió un violento ataque de pánico y se negó a bañarse. La repetición de la escena en otra fecha fue inútil, el pánico persistió. Al final tuve que aceptar que el miedo que muestra el niño por el agua “de la juventud” es el verdadero tema de la pieza. Ahora el film describe la pesadilla de un niño a quien su madre obliga a entrar en una fuente en la que previamente ha visto a su abuelo desaparecer.
With: Pere Escorsa, Mariona Escorsa, Bernat Escorsa, Xavi Dalmau, Roger Carreras, Maria Biescas. Production: Lucia Saez-benito Sound creation: Alfredo Costa Monteiro Sound recordings: El Gat Photography: Dionis Escorsa, Serafin Teja. 2018 · 11' 52''.